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Collaborate and Advise:
Navigating Our Platform

Discover and contribute listings of external conferences dedicated to ecosystem restoration, creating a go-to event calendar for our community. Our platform also features a monthly Radio Hour, offering an array of member-driven workshops on a wide range of topics, from in-depth skill development to overarching environmental themes. Dive into engaging book discussions with authors and enjoy captivating short films presented by our members. It’s your comprehensive source for connecting, learning, and sharing within the ecosystem restoration community. While we host events free of charge, we encourage attendees to show their appreciation by donating directly to the presenters' organizations or causes.

Our Recommended Reading Page serves as a vibrant hub for authors and publishers to feature books dedicated to Ecosystem Restoration. From the insights of individual permaculturists to comprehensive guides on large-scale ecosystem restoration, this space covers the full spectrum of knowledge and practices. It's the perfect resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and engagement with restoring our planet's ecosystems and their connection to the planet.

Keep the community in the loop by posting updates, news, and early-stage projects. Follow our guidelines for clear, impactful sharing. It's vital for Emerging Initiatives seeking visibility and feedback. Our forum welcomes all - from discussions and white papers to petitions and member’s blogs/newsletters. I will share all new posts on my social media, if you agree.

Sign Up: Join us to feature and collaborate on your project. Start by finding the best fit for it under the "Climate Heroes" category.

No Project Yet?: Even without a project, or if you're not ready to showcase one, join the conversation in our forum.

Register Your Project: Choose to list your initiative in the "Restoration and Advisory Collective," "Emerging Initiatives," or both, to begin collaborating and making an impact.

Divided into three categories: Global Alliances, Emerging Initiatives, and Restoration and Advisory Collective (RAC) members. While these groups form the cornerstone of our community, the heart of collaboration beats within the Restoration and Advisory Collective (RAC). We encourage all members to take their engagement a step further by registering their projects with the RAC. This not only enhances collaboration across all categories but also amplifies visibility to potential funders. Within the RAC, members can showcase their projects, set advising fees, and tap into a wealth of knowledge from across the ecosystem restoration community. Whether you're offering or seeking advice, looking to fund or get funded, the RAC is your platform for making meaningful connections and driving collective action towards our shared mission of restoring the planet.

Funders, your engagement within our platform is invaluable. Climate Heroes serves as the main category encompassing three levels: Global Alliance, Emerging Initiatives, and individual and organizational projects (RAC). This structure is designed to accommodate a wide range of contributions towards ecosystem restoration, from large-scale collaborative efforts to grassroots projects. As a funder, you have the unique opportunity to explore and support a wide array of projects, connecting with initiatives that resonate with your funding objectives. Here, you can make a tangible impact by partnering with organizations and individuals committed to ecosystem restoration. Your contributions empower our community to achieve collective environmental goals, driving sustainable change across all levels of Climate Heroes.


Emerging Initiatives

FREE for the first year.


5% on contributions.

All Other Members

  • Up to $1,000: 5%.

  • $1,001 to $10,000: Decreases to 4%.

  • $10,001 to $50,000: Further reduces to 3%.

  • Above $50,000: Reduces to 2%.

Get Collaborative.

Make sure your profile is set up and get to know other members!

Let's go!
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